Whenever your bike’s tires are running low on air, you’ll need to start pumping air into them.
Luckily, the process is one of the easiest things you’ll learn among all the other cycling routines.
Here’s how you can pump air into your bike’s tires.
Get a bicycle pump
The only thing you need to get is a bicycle pump and they’re usually pretty cheap.
The more expensive versions have a pressure gauge at the bottom which are helpful in knowing when to stop pumping air.
How to pump air into the tire
Once you have the bike pump ready, look for the valve cover on your wheel.
Remove the cover by turning it counter-clockwise.
You should see this valve like in the image below.
Next, insert the pump’s nozzle into the valve and make sure it’s all the way through.
Depending on the type of pump you’re using, you may need to pull up the flap at the back of the nozzle.
Once it’s inserted correctly, you can start pumping air using the pump.
Just pull up the pump handle and push down to let air in. Do it multiple times until it’s full.
How to know when to stop pumping air
If you’re using the older fashioned pumps, you sort of need to estimate if your tires are already full.
The best way is to just press the side of your tires. If it’s already hard, then it’s pretty full. You’ll get the hang of it.
Another way is to buy a bike pump that comes equipped with a pressure gauge. You can just follow the gauge reading for those pumps.
In a nutshell
Pumping air into tires is part and parcel of owning a bicycle. Hopefully this is simple enough for everyone.
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